Tuesday 14 January 2014

Long time no see

Hello guys , its been a while. 

Some months ago i decided to drop the blog. I lost faith in it and , personally , i find the navigation quite uncomfortable. But I think it was not a wise move. Today i checked and my blog's views have grown a lot (for my standars.) Im sure people who come to take a peak would be very disapointed to see that i havent posted anything since August. So , im gonna give blogger another chance. For those of you who dont follow me on my other sites there will be a lot of new content to see. A lot of stuff happened since i last posted here , most notably , i did the halloween wall art for NewGrounds which was a great honor. I also got an incredible proposal , though i cant say anything about it atm. Overall i feel like im growing and i've never been more comfident about my art. I still have Mt. Everest to climb but , i feel like my labours are bringing fruit. Now i aim to enhance my portfolio and show more of my personal imagination. I will try to work on more consistent and conceptual works as well as action/battle scenes. And ofcourse , by the end of the year i expect to produce my first comic ever. So , enough chat , here's what i've been up to:

The NewGrounds.com halloween wall art. I was asked to draw something based on a halloween-themed game that gained a lot of pupularity in NG.com. The character in the top right is the main dude. The girl is a random victim and the lady in the left is the final boss , the main dudes mom. Thats right. Here's the link to the game http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/626809

Scribblenauts/DC contest. This was done for the SB/DC contest in deviantart. Contestants needed to draw an illustration with DC characters done in the "scribblenaut" style. We also had to adjust the images proportions to make it look like a website banner. I went with batman and mr. freeze because they are my favourite hero/villain from DC. And i simply couldnt let Nora out of the picture :'(

Liar. Not much to say here , i just hope you like it and you will have nightmares with it tonight.

Here Comes the Reaper. A book cover commission i did for a very talented fellow called Caleb Behnke. You can check the book here http://www.amazon.com/Here-Comes-Reaper-Caleb-Behnke-ebook/dp/B00GD1L15S

Sandstorm. An experimental piece i did. I drew inspiration from a "spitpainting" i drew.

Plague Marine. Dont tell me you expected NOT to see something warhammer related.

Malwalm , Shepherd of Mushrooms. Here's a little poem i wrote for this guy's description:
Before the Grandfather of your grandfather's grandfather was born , Malwalm was quite very old. The ancient troll came from nature's womb the moment of the very first dawn.
Now , the summer is gone and winter has won , its all very clear for Nature's ol' son. The sun now sleeps , a moon now creeps. The time has come , the task must be done.
Ever since and forever more , Malwalm carries his ancient chore. To lay the mushroom's spore , he treads back and fore , alone and silent , ever since and forever more...

African Warrior. 

Desert Encounters. I just love drawing creatures. Propably my favourite topic to work on.

Cave Troll. My pride. This dude is the last thing i finished and i believe my progress is obvious when you compare him with desert encounters or the older stuff.


Ok , enough partying. This post is becoming Kaiju-big but i've been silent for a long time so , i kinda owe it to the people who are visiting.

I did several spitpaintings for the awesome group at facebook. They are bad because i am slow like a slug (must be completed  in 30 minutes at most) Here's the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1402563099961950/

And here are some of the stuff i did , i wont get into details , i hope you get the idea of each one. All of them are based on certain phrases or words that the admins give us everyday to work with.

I also did a little speedpainting video. It aint big , tbh i was only testing the recording software. You can check it out here:

And to close , here is a glimpse to the future. The piece im curently working on is a wh40k commission. Surprisingly , its not about Chaos but instead , a loyalist Space Marine of the Sons of Guilliman
I am almost done but i will tease you with a linework.

I hope you enjoyed my comeback! See you guys soon!

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